Jojanneke Bijsterbosch
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Contact Information
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Faculty of Clinical Psychology
University Utrecht
Heidelberglaan 1
3584 CS Utrecht
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Introduction/ Research
In my work as a PhD candidate at the department of Clinical Psychology at Utrecht University, I study body image disturbances in adolescent girls with anorexia nervosa. Furthermore, I investigate the role of anxiety-related processes (i.e., intolerance of uncertainty) within these body image disturbances. Together with my colleague Lot Sternheim, I coordinated the translation and dissemination of a manual for those caring for a loved one with an eating disorder entitled “Samen de Eetstoornis aanpakken: Bewezen effectieve vaardigheden om je kind of partner te ondersteunen”, written by dr. prof. Janet Treasure (KCL, UK). We are currently piloting a training based on this book and researching its feasibility and effectiveness for carers in the Netherlands.Publications
if(researcher_information_get_meta( 'researcher_information_pubmed_link' ) != ""): ?>Click here to view my articles on pubmed.
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